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Woodland’s Favorite Halloween Candy

As the weather gets colder and spooky season gets closer, it’s hard not to think about Halloween and the amusement it brings. From the leaves falling down, to the decorations around town, it’s difficult to escape the feeling the holiday brings. There’s one thing about Halloween that brings people together–candy. People old and young enjoy candy and passing it out on Halloween. 

There’s so many different types of candy handed out every year for Halloween. Whether it’s sour or sweet, chocolate or gummies, everybody has a favorite candy. Let’s take a look at the favorite candies at Woodland Regional High school, as we embrace one of the most popular holidays in the United States. 

After asking forty students, and fifteen staff members, we have the results…

The ten most popular candies out of the students were Twix, Reese’s, Three Musketeers, Skittles, candy corn, chocolate bars, Twizzlers, Kit-Kats, Nerds, and Snickers. 

Reese’s was the most popular with 23.1% of people liking it. Second place was Twix at 17.9%. Skittles and Kit-Kats were tied at third place with 10.3%. Twizzlers, chocolate bars, and Candy Corn each had 7.7% of people’s votes. Snickers, Nerds, and Three Musketeers were at the bottom at 5.1% of people’s favorite candy.   

For staff, Reese’s was also the most popular, it was 28.6% of the fifteen members favorite candy. Just like the students, Twix was the second favorite at 21.4%. 14.4% of their favorite candy is 100 hundred grand. 

Reese’s was the most popular candy, and Twix was in second place between both the students and the staff. This isn’t surprising, because according to CNBC, Reese’s are the most liked candy in America. Twix are also at the top of the list. 

Hopefully, everyone had an amazing Halloween and had a chilling time walking around or hanging out with their friends. 

Emily Preston

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