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The Growing Popularity of Advisory Social Media Pages

There is no faster way to spread the news than social media. Woodlands’ Class of 2024 has utilized multiple media platforms to help spread positivity throughout the halls ofthe school. Not only do they help spread positivity, they also emphasize how important it is to spend 20 minutes with the same classmates every day.

“We really have gotten closer in our advisory,” says Jamie Shaffer, a member of Gentina Ukai’s advisory. ” It really just shows how advisory is not boring and how enjoyable it really is because we play games and just talk”

Due to the popularity ofthe Instagram and Tiktok pages made by the class, there also came the reactions from many ofthe faculty and staff.

“ I think it’s awesome,” said Brandon Moore, Mathematics teacher.

One teacher has been the most impacted by these social media pages. Meghan Geary, Woodland English Teacher, has enjoyed the Instagrams and Tiktoks every time they come across her feed.

“It is very inspiring to watch and incorporate other advisory activities into our own and have fun with it,” said Geary. “It really gives room to make the Woodland community a better and more inclusive place.”

The most popular activities that advisories have participated in have been basketball tournaments, volleyball games and holiday activities. Nevertheless, it’s not always about winning.

Getting closer with your classmates and getting to knowthem for who they are has been one ofthe most important themes to share in the 2022-2023 school year and with the help ofthe social media pages, that message is here to stay within the halls of Woodland.

Jenna Chicano

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