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Snow Day Update

Over the course of the winter, Region 16 students have been out of school seven times due to dangerous weather conditions. All the snow days, have pushed the last day of school to June 23rd. As of right now, students will still have five days of spring vacation in April. But students cannot be in school past June 26th, so if three more days of school are cancelled because of snow students will have to come in to make up the days over break.

However, Woodland Regional High School students were out of school on Monday February 23rd after a water pipe broke and flooded several classrooms. According to Woodland principal Kurt Ogren, the students are going to have to make up that day of school.

“We are working to come up with the best option to make up the day,” explained Ogren. “We do know that students will not have to come in over April Break to make up the day.”

Ogren explained that he is working closely with Region 16 Superintendent to come up with a make up that would have to be approved by the Board of Education. One possible option would be to have the last day of school for Woodland to be June 24th. Graduation would be held on June 23rd, and the final day of school would not be an exam day.

“That is just one option right now,” stressed Ogren.

Ogren said that students can expect the Board of Education to make a decision about the makeup day by mid-March, that way they can ensure that the schedule will not be thrown off with more snow days.

Hawk Headlines will have more updates on the last days of school as it becomes available.