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Erin’s Closet: How to Turn Your Boyfriend into Chuck Bass

Chuck Bass

A womanizer, alcoholic with a pompous attitude; you may not want your boyfriend to possess these qualities, but you will want your boyfriend to be Chuck Bass, main character of Gossip Girl; a hit TV show about the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite. The series followed a group of privileged teens thorough their lives. Chuck is notorious for a more flamboyant style, to match his over confident personality. Chuck Bass, making the streets of Manhattan his runway, is often spotted wearing purple ascots, well fitted suits and a signature scarf. His looks and fashion sense are impeccable. Valentino is a household name for Chuck. As a young business owner of a multi-billion dollar company, Chuck needs to look professional. He mixes upper east side preppy with business formal, bright colors are mixed into wardrobe to remind us of his youth. Two things Chuck is known for are his purple bow ties and checkered red, white and navy scarf he drapes over his pea coats. Argyle is a common print he wears as well as madras. His use of color and prints is what adds prep to his outfits. Chuck’s style hasn’t always been bright red pants and argyle knee socks. As he matures, so does his style. His suits become more formal and his once messy boyish hair is combed and styled. He cleans up very well for the love of his life, Blair Waldorf, another main character of Gossip Girl. Only walking in the best shoes, wingtip oxfords and boat shoes are staples in his wardrobe. Whether he is playing croquet, going to school or attending business meetings, Chuck adds his personal style to everything.

Husband’s style pinterest.com

Chuck Bass gossipgirl.wikia.com

I’m Chuck Bass imchuckbass.tumblr.com
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Erin is a Fashion Blogger and Reporter, and has spent seven full semesters at Hawk Headlines. She loves to drink Diet Coke, and enjoys shopping for overpriced clothes.

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