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The Ghost of Alfredo

You may have heard of famous Broadway ghosts, and how they haunt their theaters, but did you know that Woodland has its very own theater ghost? The Ghost of Alfredo has been here ever since the opening of Woodland. Legend says that while building the auditorium in Woodland, a man named Alfredo suddenly died of a heart attack, and it is him that haunts the theater to this very day. 

Some of the Woodland teachers have had personal encounters with Alfredo. Jim Amato, journalism teacher, said that one night he was working late in the auditorium and something strange and unexplainable happened. 

“I was standing on the catwalk by myself in the auditorium and I was adjusting some of the lights and all of the lights in the auditorium went out,” said Amato. “ I kind of joked and said okay, Alfredo, turn the lights back on, and the lights just came back on.”

While some say they have frightening encounters, others claim that Alfredo is a friendly theater ghost. 

“He also flicks lights on and off for you if you need him to,” Tom Simonetti, theater teacher said. “It’s really sweet of him.” 

Simonetti sees Alfredo as his friend who has been there since he arrived in the theater. He says Alfredo has made sure all of his shows ran smoothly and that he has excellent students in his theater program because of Alfredo. Simonetti also said it’s not uncommon for there to be ghosts in the theater. 

On Broadway, there are many famous ghosts that haunt the theaters. In order to keep the ghost from haunting the theater during the shows, there is a ghost light on the stage. It tells the ghost of the theater to stay away, and make sure that all is peaceful in the theater. The light tells the ghost not to touch their props or ruin their things. However sometimes the ghosts don’t listen.

“I had a ghost who loved to hide a bag I was supposed to bring on stage. I put it in the same spot every night and in the morning it was just never there,” Simonetti said. 

At first Simonetti thought it was the prop guy playing a trick on him, but eventually, he realized that it was the ghost of his theater. Since Simonetti has come to Woodland, he has had no problems with the ghost of Alfredo. 

Whether Alfredo is friend or foe is up to you to decide, does he haunt the walls of Woodland or is he just a friendly ghost? 

Colby Sizer

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