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Internship Spotlight: Samantha Sharkey

Danbury Hospital Lab is an extraordinary place to be able to intern at, and for Samantha Sharkey, this is exactly the thing she needs to help boost her plans for the future.

Sharkey goes to Danbury Hospital Lab every Wednesday and will continue to go there for the next six weeks. She is loving the time that she spends at the lab everyday.

“Very, very, cool. Really enjoying it,” Sharky said. “It’s a really cool opportunity.”

Every week Sharky goes to a different lab. At Danbury Hospital Labs, interns go around numerous labs that study a wide variety of things. For example Sharkey recently went to a blood bank where she learned about hematology. Then the next week, she learned about pathology, the study of disease. The next week followed with biochemistry; the study of chemical processes in living matter.

When Sharkey walks into her internship, she is given a lab coat and a general idea of what she will be doing for the day. Sharkey is then brought around the lab and told all about the specific task and sometimes even learned how to use the equipment or proceed with tasks.

Sharkey has learned about so much of the behind the scene action that you don’t usually see until you are in that field, like how to use different machines and advanced technology.

“Anytime that doctors send away test results for patients, whether it be biopsies or other things, it goes to these labs,” Sharkey said. “So I learned about what kind of goes on behind the scenes.”

In the fall Sharkey is going to be majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology. Sharkey is hoping to study oncology, the study of cancer. This internship will give her a head start when going into the medical world that will allow her to succeed and do great things.

Casey Mulvihill

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