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Artist Spotlight: Reese Fernandes

The eyes of hundreds burning into your skull is enough to make any person nervous, but not Reese Fernandes, a freshman at Woodland who recently starred in this year’s fall play Clue. Only acting once before, Fernandes exceeded everyone’s expectations and brought down the house.

“Over the summer I did an acting camp and I really enjoyed that,” states Fernandes. “So I decided to join the drama club.”

Throughout the entire beginning half of the school year, they stayed after school and worked hard to become the only lead freshman in the entire cast.

“It was very scary at first but the cast was really nice and welcoming,” said Fernandes. “I felt at home really quickly.”

Despite this year being the first year for the actor, they have some high hopes for the years to come. One being sharing more memories with the cast new, and old.

“My favorite memory has to be when we were backstage, during rehearsals and took funny pictures of each other.”

Just like anything else in life, it is important to try whatever you aspire to do, no matter how scary.

“Just do it. Join if you want to. It’s very nice and welcoming,” said Fernandes

Fernandes is a rising star in the thespian community. Make sure to look out for them in the spring musical, and other productions both in and out of school.

Abby Hannus

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