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Letter from Tim James, Superintendent of Schools


I am pleased to report that schools will reopen on Thursday, February 14. There are still concerns that piles of snow at some intersections and at the end of some driveways may cause a line of site concerns for students waiting for school buses in the morning and exiting them in the afternoon. Please urge your child to use extreme caution.

The weather forecast for tonight calls for light snow. Please check our district website and television stations tomorrow morning in the event we have a delayed opening so the roads and school parking lots can be treated.

Consideration was given to having school this Friday. We have contacted staff and, due to their making previous plans for the extended weekend, there are not enough staff members who are able to be at school to make the day an educationally meaningful one for students. Over the next few weeks, the Board of Education will be considering the best plan to make-up the days schools have been closed so far this school year. When that decision is made, I will share it with you.


Tim James