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School codes

20130124_155952Since you first entered grade school, a student or teacher can see the codes posted on the walls at anytime. The codes represent what to do in different types of emergencies. The issue is with the codes being displayed is everyone knows them.

After the tragedy at Newtown, people began to realize that schools might need more protection. Even with the maximum securities taken, schools are not completely safe if emergency codes are out in the open that gives a predator an easy target.

After talking to some students about the codes on the walls, it became clear that many people still did not know what the colors meant or what to do in that type of situation. “I do not remember the last time we had a drill for that code,” was a common answer among students. The only drill they knew was a fire drill.

There was some talk that the students have to do certain things during a certain emergency but the fact of the matter is “the teacher is in charge and is solely responsible for the students safety, “stated Vice Principal, Dana Mulligan.  “A student should not be put at risk of being in the open to cover something.”

And several options have been stepped up to increase security.  But not all are as effective as perhaps thought.  For instance, a police officer was hired to guard Woodland immediately after the Newtown shooting. was asked is he knew Woodlands plans in case of emergency, he could not even even respond with the correct protocol colors and definitions. Would the school really be safe if even the officer did not know the correct way to react when a color was stated over the intercom.
Realizing this is a common issue, i brought it up to the vice-principal of Woodland, Dana Mulligan. She told me “if there was to be a school emergency we would not use the codes, but announce the situation over the intercom. So what is the point of the codes? They are simply there to reinforce the directions given by the person over the intercom. As it turns out, all faculty members get a book explaining all the different procedures and circumstances to have maximum coverage. Just recently teachers were given keys to open more than just their classroom door in order to maximize safety. This is useful for example if a teacher teachers class on the first floor but has a study hall class on the second floor. Before a different teacher would have to unlock the door, but know he/she can unlock it them self. The teachers have also went to meeting to discuss the book and now understand and can preform during an emergency.
Another alarming thing i noticed when researching this story was when looking online there are some different code and procedure books online. This could create problems in the future if these are the updated copies. This makes easy access to predators. Woodland, does not have its procedure book online but its something to think about. People are so concerned that school are not safe, they are safe with equipment and police officers but students and facility need to undergo more practices to understand the right reactions needed in a limited amount of time.
schools can be safe as long as the people on the inside understand how to react while the people on the outside do not, leaving the school with the uperhand during an attack or other emergency.