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Homecoming Dress Code Denied

A homecoming dress code was recently drafted by Woodland Regional High School’s Student Government but was denied upon being brought to administration.

The rules out forth in the dress code were created in the hopes of making the dance comparable to a semi-formal.

“We wanted to make it more appealing to the entire student body and to the faculty to chaperone,” said Student Government advisor Chris Tomlin.

This was the first time they have ever attempted to suggest a dress code and it was not accepted by administration since it did not agree with the dress code put forth by the region.

“It surprised me a little bit,” said Tomlin. “I don’t know if I ever thought it would be approved.”


Click the photo below to view the proposed dress code:

Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 3.05.09 PM

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Katie is the Executive Managing Editor and the moderator for Hawk Headlines' Roundtable as well as the anchor of Sixty Second News. She has spent five full semesters at Hawk Headlines.

Katie Minutillo

Katie is the Executive Managing Editor and the moderator for Hawk Headlines' Roundtable as well as the anchor of Sixty Second News. She has spent five full semesters at Hawk Headlines.

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