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Captain Feature – Faye Carnemolla

Faye Carnemolla, a mid and long-distance runner, has made track an essential aspect of her life as captain. However, the path to her success is truly inspiring.

She began her track career in middle school through the cross-country team. She worked tirelessly, practicing to hone her skills and improve for whatever the future held for her. According to Carnemolla, the true reason she made track a goal in her life was through an outstanding coach who encouraged her.

“I was fortunate enough to have a very knowledgeable and passionate coach who insisted that I try and get more involved with running once I got to high school because I showed a lot of potential,” said Carnemolla. “I am beyond grateful I took her advice and continued because running has become a huge part of my daily life.”

Thanks to her coach’s wise words and her unleveled amounts of perseverance, she managed to join the outdoor track team in her freshman year, eventually entering the indoor track for two seasons afterward. In these long seasons, Faye has accomplished quite a few things.

“I’ve been All-NVL in both track and cross country, and have been a state medalist in the 800M, 1000M, and 1600M. This past indoor season, I was the 1000-meter and 1600-meter NVL champion, so I was awarded the Outstanding Distance Performance Award. I advanced to the open for the 1000M and finished the season ranked 11th in the state,” recalled Carnemolla.

With all these accomplishments, it is no surprise that Faye still has goals before she graduates from Woodland High School and moves on with the next chapter of her life. By senior year, she hopes to advance to New England and reach All-State, an inspirational feat.

Since there are so many achievements, many would assume that they are her main source of enjoyment that comes with track. But that is not the case. In Faye’s case, what she appreciates and loves most is her astounding teammates.

“I’ve always said that one of my favorite parts about running track and field is the time I get to spend with my teammates. You grow really close to the people you train with every day, and while some people might be in different spots in their training, we all push each other to be better every day,” announced Carnemolla.

Her teammates have played a huge role in her success according to her, as they guide each other when necessary. This guidance has led to very significant lessons that she holds dearly. Her teammates and the sports have taught her and made her the strong person she is today.

“Track has taught me so much about myself and what I’m capable of. Running is as much of a mental sport as it is a physical sport, and to do well at it, you really need to trust your training and the time you put in. You’re going to have good and bad days, but in the end you can achieve any goal you set for yourself if you stay consistent in everything you do, and this applies on and off the track,” expressed Carnemolla.

As captain, track has a special place in the heart of Carnemolla as it does for anyone that has gotten to know the sport and team as well as her. As the years go by, Carnemolla hopes to be able to reflect on her success in the team as she waits to see what the years have to offer, expecting that she can encourage others the same way track encourages her. She anticipates she will show people how track helped her.

“I would absolutely recommend track to anyone who is willing to try. Track is one of those sports where you get what you give. If you’re willing to put the effort in, you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of,” stated Carnemolla. “As you start to set goals for yourself, you learn to be patient and persistent in what you want to achieve, which carries over into so many other aspects of life. I should also mention that I’ve met a lot of great people over the years through track, both from Woodland and from other schools.”

Marissa Goncalves

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