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Fake Tan Fails

Being months away from summer, fake tan is growing more and more popular from teens craving their summer tan. However, orange isn’t exactly the result most are looking for.

For many students who either don’t have the time to go to a tanning salon and use a tanning bed or get a spray tan, self tan is their go to method for a quick bronze.

Freshman Hannah Molleur applies self tan around once a week and has been using fake tan religiously since winter of eighth grade when a friend’s fake tan success inspired her.

“I would prefer a spray tan,” Molleur said. “I use ‘Glow Your Own Way Be Tan’ tanning gel. It goes on clearly and develops over time. It doesn’t smell like fake tan and it doesn’t transfer onto my clothes which I appreciate.”

Typically, self tan mousse is popular, but many students despise how when they go to sleep, they wake up with their sheets stained orange.

“I’ve never woken up to orange sheets or had any transfer onto my clothes unlike some other brands,” Molleur said.

However, it is very easy to mess up when applying a fake tan. With so many brands to choose from, it is difficult to know what the best option for a self tanner is. Popular brands like St. Tropez and Tanologist are great options for anyone.

The application process is the most important part of fake tan. No matter what brand you use, it is important to exfoliate and shave before applying the tanner. Make sure that your face is clean and has no previous products on it.

To keep a fake tan from looking blotchy or peeling, moisturize your body when you wake up, and before you go to sleep. Staying hydrated will also help prevent your tan from peeling.

Many do not recommend using a body fake-tan on your face, as it may be orange or splotchy. Blending the face-tan all the way back into your hairline will also help keep it looking natural.

Don’t end up as an orange after applying fake tan, instead follow these simple steps to ensure your tan looks as natural as possible.

1. Exfoliate and Shave

2. Make sure you have no oils, makeup, or lotion on your face/body

3. Apply the tan evenly with a mitt on your body, and a clean makeup brush on your face.

a. Depending on what brand you use, the applicator will vary.

4. Let the tan dry for the set amount of time the bottle recommends.

5. After washing off the tan, moisturize immediately.

6. Moisturize three times a day and stay hydrated to keep your tan fresh.

Until summer arrives, fake tan is the only way to a quick bronze. Keep your tan natural and smooth by following this guide.

Gia Salvatore

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