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Going Digital: Online Shopping Take Over

Retail shopping has shown a smaller sale variation compared to online shopping, showing dramatic increase in purchases compared to retail shopping and leaving many to believe in the takeover of ecommerce in the future, a future that may not be as far as many believe.

Not that long ago, many people, especially highschoolers, would spend their free time shopping at malls or favored locations like Target. Shopping gave people something to do when bored or allowed friends to just hang out. However, ecommerce sites, like Amazon or Temu, have recently crawled their way up to the top when it comes to shopping popularity.

There are a variety of reasons why online shopping has spiked. The original reason was COVID. With people confined to their homes, people needed some way to purchase goods without the human interaction provided in retail shopping. As a result, grocery delivery services and online marketplaces filled this void.

The main reason for ecommerce popularity is how simple it is. When going to a retail store, people are forced to wander through aisle after aisle just to find a few items. Online shopping is much easier to navigate, especially for younger generations. You do not have to go anywhere and you find the items you originally desired within minutes by just typing the name into the search bar.

“The last time I went to a store to buy something was like a few months ago,”Allison D’Aniello, freshman, recalled. “The last time I went online shopping was like a week ago.”

Online shopping has a ton of perks which make it likable, especially to a generation growing up on the internet. With the rise in the digital world, online shopping is destined to take over.

“It’s easy to navigate, it’s effective, and it comes to your house quickly.” Sofia Sipe, freshman, commented on online shopping.

In conclusion, the rise of e-commerce has undeniably transformed the retail landscape, with its convenience, accessibility, and efficiency appealing to a generation that is comfortable navigating the digital world. As the popularity of online shopping continues to surge, it is evident that the future of retail lies in the hands of digital marketplaces.

References QUARTERLY RETAIL E-COMMERCE SALES 4th QUARTER 2023. (2024, February 20). Census Bureau. Retrieved March 3, 2024, from


Marissa Goncalves

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