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World Language Honor Society Plans for the Rest of the Year

As with many extracurricular activities this year, the World Language Honors Society has a few plans for the future, even though COVID-19 creates some obstacles. For the rest of the year, they plan to meet online monthly. They use google meet to communicate with each other and run the club. Approaching the pandemic’s hurdles in a cautious way, the society made sure communication is available to everyone. 

“For the rest of the year, we will meet monthly (online as of right now).”

Even though meeting in person isn’t an available option, the World Language Honors Society is still finding ways to persevere. In the spring, the society plans to host an induction; however, COVID-19 will determine whether it is virtual or in person. The club is not completely sure which one it will be since the only way to know is to wait until it’s closer to spring. Recently, in December, the club made food baskets and collected money for struggling families at Woodland. Especially during this pandemic, it is important to help others as much as you can, so this was a very kind gesture coming from the society. Even in these trying times, they find a way to help others in need. 

Kenneth Arnold

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