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The Creativity Behind Advisory Names

No matter what grade you’re in, you know an advisory with a funny name or one that represents them. It shows our school spirit and makes our advisories fun and memorable.

For example, Thomas Feige’s advisory calls themselves “Finding Feige,” according to Chase Starzman, a senior at Woodland.

“Sophomore year, came up with ‘Finding Feiges’ and it derived off of Finding Nemo,” Starzman said.

Jeremy Fisette’s advisory calls themselves the “Jear Bears.” According to Jacob Savoy, another senior, they came up with the name in sophomore year a week after Fisette came to the school after going through three different advisors in a year.

“It was his first week in school, in sophomore year, and we have gone through three advisors, and Jeremy, Jear Bear, and he wore a polo shirt one day,” Savoy states.

They call themselves that because Fisette’s first name is Jeremy and they see themselves as bears, that is like a community to them.

Tom Simonetti’s advisory calls themselves the “Simonetti Yetis,” according to Nate Messina. They came up with the name by vote at the start of Junior year. They had a lot of different names and then voted on them, the Simonetti Yetis, created by Logan Johnson, is what they ended up voting on. 

“We’re cold, so like, the Yetis fits us,” Messina claims.

Caden Hughes

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