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Postponing the end of the world

  Many predictions have been made in the past and continue to be made for when the world will come to an end. 2000, 2003, and now 2012 are all years where it has been thought that a series of catastrophic events would occur on Earth and end the world as we know it.

   According to nasa.gov the theory for the December 21st end of the world in 2012 developed from the idea that Nibiru, a planet discovered by Sumerians, is headed toward the earth. This event was originally supposed to occur in May of 2003, but when nothing happened on that date it was moved forward to December of 2012.

  The collision of Nibiru and Earth is not the only reason people believe the world is ending. This theory was linked with the end of the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 leading to the predicted doomsday date of December 21st.

   Other theories such as giant storms, planet alignment, and meteors striking the Earth have also scared people into believing the world is going to end this year. Some people believe so strongly in these theories they even quit their jobs.

   According to abcnews.go.com, 51 years-old Patrick Geryl quit his job after he had saved up enough money to last him until December 2012.

   “You have to understand there will be nothing left,” Geryl told ABC News. “We will have to start an entire civilization from scratch.”

    While people like Geryl may believe the world is coming to an end, nasa.gov sates that credible scientists worldwide know no threat associated   with the 2012 end of the world. Therefore, it is more than likely we will all be waking up on December 22nd.