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Buzzing Their Way Through Belmont

On Saturday, September 24, Quizbowl’s “A” team, Evan Lin, Brian O’Connell, and Kenneth Arnold, competed in the Belmont Quizbowl competition in Massachusetts.

“I felt like we did really well overall,” Lin said. “Kenneth got a lot of the art and mythology questions and Brian got a ton of questions from each category correct. We also had a lot of fun and met some cool people at the competition.”

In the competition, the team took first place with a score of 7-0 coached by Nancy “Momma” Manning. The team had an average 433.6 points per game with the next closest team having 313.1. As an individual, Lin took second place with 102.86 points per game. He had 36 powers, which is answering a question while it is still being read, 19 correct answers with no power, and only two incorrect answers. O’Connell took eighth place with 40.71 points per game and Arnold took fourteenth place with 20.00 points per game.

The team proceeds to work hard and practice around the clock to improve, especially on bonus questions. They hope to continue their success throughout the rest of their upcoming tournaments. Lin agrees with the team.

“We did well but one thing though is that we need to improve on our bonus game.”

Nick Bshara

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