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Club Spotlight: Emma Fabrizi

All of Emma Fabrizi’s hard work and dedication over the years has led her to become a strong, determined leader. She is president of both DECA and Quiz Bowl at Woodland. 

Fabrizi joined DECA her freshman year after hearing volleyball teammates talk about the club. In the beginning, her role consisted of participating in fundraisers and other social events. But, now, as president she has taken on a bigger role with a lot more responsibilities. 

For DECA’s events, Fabrizi has to talk with Principal Kurt Ogren about getting events approved. Fabrizi, along with Vice President Ava Cratty, said they are going to have to start planning the agenda early. They also have to plan club meetings with the advisor Mike Magas.

Communication is a big part of DECA especially as a board member, and that is something Fabrizi is able to take away from the club and apply it to her life after high school. When being a part of DECA she says she has to make professional phone calls with business and being able to communicate with other people is a big social skill. 

Fabrizi also plays an active part in Quiz Bowl. She began her freshman year after Isabella Fabrizi, her sister, encouraged her to join. At first she didn’t take Quiz Bowl as seriously as everyone else; she was just there having fun, but as time went on she grew to love the competition more and more. Now as president of Quiz Bowl, she has greater responsibilities.

Quiz Bowl meetings consist of the club’s members honing their trivia skills. Being a part of Quiz Bowl is a big commitment because they travel for competitions and they study hard. 

For Quiz Bowl Fabrizi said it really shows how much dedication you need. Fabrizi hasn’t been able to make a ton of meetings but she has shown her dedication by meeting privately with the advisor Manning and being able to talk about things that are happening for the year and help planning what the year is going to look like. With both clubs Fabrizi has to make sure that other people’s opinions are heard and make sure everyone is included. 

Being president of DECA and QuizBowl, two time-consuming clubs, means taking on a lot of responsibility. Fabrizi has been a part of both of these clubs for four years, and these are two things she really enjoys. She has been dedicated to these clubs for years, and she loves to be a part of them. It is not an easy task, being a senior, a president of two clubs, and planning for college, but Fabrizi dedicates herself and to be there as much as possible, and grow into the strong, determined leader she is. 

Megan Murray

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