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Getting to Know Quill and Scroll Honor Society

Quill and Scroll Honor Society, Woodland’s journalism honor society, recognizes the diligent journalists working every day in the community. 

James Amato the journalism teacher is the one who chartered the program to give journalists the opportunity to take writing to their next level.

 With Quill and Scroll being an international honor society, Amato believed it should be a part of Woodland. To get the club chartered, Amato spent five years processing complicated paperwork to make the club at Woodland. Once Quill and Scroll received the commission approval letter, the club was up and running.

“Quill and Scroll Honor Society is the International journalistic society, which shows excellence and dedication in journalism,” said Amato.

With many talented journalists, Amato had to set high expectations to have a chance at getting into the Quill and Scroll Honor Society. Journalists must have 2500 points of punished media in journalism, a B average throughout all of their classes, a recommendation letter written by his or her advisor, and an essay. Students can begin applying in their sophomore year of high school.

Amato designed Quill and Scroll to hallmark a student’s journalism career that helps with future references such as college and jobs. Students in Quill and Scroll have all their work stored so they’ll be able to show stories and information to future job references and college applications.

Members in the Woodland Quill and Scroll are now a part of the 1,525,408 members around the world that are currently in the Honor Society

Quill and Scroll represents more than writing because students learn how to use journalism in every way possible. Being a part of this society is one way to get your career and life kick-started after high school. 

“[Quill and Scroll] is a hallmark to the work [journalists] do, and how they showcase journalism,” said Amato. “But also how they inspire others to be involved in journalism as well.” 

Rebekkah Lawton

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