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Loved Coach and Teacher Makes His Departure from Woodland

By Alyssa Varesio and Taylor Amore

Tim Phipps, Woodland History teacher and football coach, shocked students, faculty, and the Woodland community by announcing his departure from Woodland after fourteen years of service. Phipps has taken a job at Hopkins Preparatory School in New Haven and will be leaving after the 2014-15 school year.

Timothy Phipps, Teacher and Coach, makes the move to Hopkins School in New Haven.

The sudden news sent a wave of shock throughout the school as students learned their beloved teacher and coach will not longer be teaching and coaching us next year. Junior football player, John Searles, is curious about how this will affect the upcoming football season.

“I can’t believe he won’t be our coach next year,” said Searles, “and there isn’t a definite decision about who will take his place as head coach. Without Phipps, there will be many changes on the team and in our game.”

Although this decision seems very sudden, Phipps has given it great thought, and after much deliberation, he has decided to take the risk and move on to a new step in his career.

“The decision was a hard one to make and wasn’t sudden,” admits Phipps, “it has taken weeks to decide, but after talking to my wife, other teachers and coaches, and family members, we decided it was a unique opportunity that will bring new challenges and excitement.”

“I wish all the best to the students and athletes I am leaving behind. In part I want to be there to watch them succeed, but in same part I am excited to move on and coach other athletes who are excited to learn,” says Phipps, “they remind me a lot of the Woodland athletes in their kindness and community spirit.”

Jake Laliberte, Left Guard and Senior Football Captain, who has been coached by Phipps for the last four years, will miss him dearly.

“Coach Phipps was one of the best coach I ever had,” said Laliberte.

“I’m going to miss so much about Woodland,” revealed Phipps, “but most importantly I will miss the sense of community at the school; what eases that loss is I know that on a Friday night, I can make it back and experience it all again.”

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Alyssa is the Executive Online Editor and has spent two full semesters at Hawk Headlines. She loves U.S. History and her pet fish, Benjamin.

Alyssa Varesio

Alyssa is the Executive Online Editor and has spent two full semesters at Hawk Headlines. She loves U.S. History and her pet fish, Benjamin.

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