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Being a twin has advantages and its disadvantages. It can be helpful and sometimes the best thing in the world, while at the same time it can be your worst nightmare.

A twin is a companion, a friend, someone you look after, and someone who looks after you. After sharing nine months is a small, liquidy womb, let’s just say that you come out friends.

Sometimes when people think of twins they immediately think of identical twins that dress exactly alike.

Some commonly asked questions that twins get include things like; can you read each other’s minds? Do you had a secret language?, and can you feel each others pain?

While none of these things are true, twins do share a special bond that simply doesn’t exist between regular siblings and it is not called telekinesis.

It is imprinted in your head that you twin belongs to you, and only you. At a young age you do not really need to have friends, because you have a twin. While this childish idea will slowly decay with time it will always be there.

Ever since a young age my sister and I were always together and everybody knew that we were a package deal. When you have a twin you know that at any given moment there is someone who will have your back, even if you have just been brutally mean to them. Forgive and forget is the motto that twins live by, because nobody is perfect and you are stuck with them for life.

Between forcing my hand in marriage and leading me around everywhere you could say that my sister was very fond of me.

Naturally, we began to separate at a young age and when you are always around someone it can be hard to separate… at least for Emma it was. I considered finding new friends a new and exciting experience, but Emma saw this parting as an unnecessary occurrence in her life.

In one instance Emma proved her physical dominance over the other children and her ownership of me.

Together in day care I found a companion in another young girl, earlier than Emma did. Unfortunately for the girl I belonged to Emma I was Emma’s twin. The girl was surprised when Emma (in my defense) proceeded to assault the girl by throwing a block at her. While it was not a defensive move Emma viewed this incident as an aggressive theft by the girl.

While Emma does not actually own me, that sense of protection was a prominent feature of our young relation ship. As we got older though and found our own groups of friends this protective idea quickly faded.

While the girl did not understand what had happened, or why she was attacked, she now knew that I was off limits.

These protective and responsible emotions have now faded yet it has been beneficial for a toddler to grow up with some to talk to and grow with.

When you have a twin it is nearly impossible to feel lonely or neglected, as you spend nearly every waking moment together.

As a toddler the brain develops and language becomes a new thing for children. Unlike being an only child with twins you have someone to communicate with and practice you’re newly found language skills. This can only help and further advance the learning process, as this constant communication helps develop Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas, the parts of the brain that comprehend and express language.

Growing up with a twin is a fun and eventful experience. At any time in the future I can pick up a phone and call my sister, I can loan money or just say hello, but having a twin is like having a best friends that will never leave you and always have your back.

No matter how angry or upset you get with your twin you will always have their back and you will always be friends, whether you like it or not.



Mike Conway

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