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Looking Forward to Warmer Weather

As a dreary winter comes to an end, many Woodland students are looking forward to spring, and all the fun activities that you can do. Many students love to go outside and go on walks, draw with chalk in their driveways, or look at the newly bloomed flowers. 

“As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers,” said spring enthusiast Gabby Volpe. 

Many students also are looking forward to the warmer weather as they have been looking forward to the warmer days especially through such a rough winter, filled with rain, ice, snow, and many other things that kept them from the outdoors. 

Spring aficionado Rebbekkah Lawton, talks about how she likes the peace of going on walks with her dog, or likes to look at the newly budded flowers blooming in her yard. 

Spring also means different activities are available to do outside. Many people start to go back to parks, do outdoor sports, or go to do certain activities around the state. 

“My favorite part about spring is the outdoor track team,” said sophomore Clara Sweetland. “I love hanging out with all my friends on the team.” 

Many more activities that students also enjoy are going hiking, going to a local park or even spring cleaning. 

  Many popular places to go hiking in Connecticut include Sleeping Giant, Kent Falls, and Farmington Canal Heritage Trail. All of these places have trails that can suit any hiker’s needs. Whether you’re looking for a long and challenging hike, or just a walk in the woods, these trails have it all.  

As the end of the winter comes, people look to clean out their houses as they may have been holed up in them for a very long winter. There comes spring cleaning. Whether you clean your house from top to bottom like a crazy mom, or just organize the little things in your room, everybody does a little bit of cleaning each year during the springtime. 

People also enjoy going to parks. As students know, there are a few local ones near the towns such as Matthies park, the Rec in Beacon Falls, or Hotchkiss field. However, there are many more exciting parks to be explored within the state. 

Naugatuck State Forest park, where the reservoir is located, is a popular place that many students enjoy going to swim, go for a walk or even have a nice picnic. 

Fulton Park in Waterbury has many things to offer to the people. It has a pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, a pond, and even some walking trails. So if you’re looking to play a sport, or go for a swim this is the place for you. 

So whether you are a hiker, a park goer, a spring cleaning enthusiast, or just enjoy the outdoors, spring is here and so is the warmer weather that many people have been looking forward to after the past winter season.

Colby Sizer

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