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Throwback to Columbia University Trip

This past fall a group of Woodland girls got to experience the University of Columbia with Paul Geary in New York City. This is a yearly tradition that gets better and better every year.

Columbia University is a special trip that students look forward to every year, this trip isn’t just special to students but also the teachers that get the chance to chaperone. “Kids like the independence by choosing which conferences they attend and being able to explore the campus,” said Geary.

One of the most important parts of being on this field trip is getting to embark in the culture and meet new people from all over the country. Another important aspect is that you are not only at a world renowned campus but you are in one of the best cities in the world, being able to go wherever you want and have that freedom is amazing.

This year Jim Amato and staff got the cost all the way down to 50 dollars for students. This makes it available to almost anybody who has any interest in going. “Every year I’ve gone they have cut down the cost in order for most students who did want to attend to be able to come. Since it was affordable I was able to go comfortably with the group,” said senior, Abby Hannus.

Woodland looks forward to this trip every year and uses it as a learning experience, a way to explore options and learn about yourself and others like staff reporter, Kyle Egan.

“You should go if you get the chance this trip, you don’t know how much fun you can have until you go,” stated Kyle Egan

Jacob Savoy

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