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Snapchat AI: Friend or Foe?

The recently emerged SnapChat artificial intelligence (AI) feature is shocking SnapChat users at Woodland. The AI features a character that pops up in the app’s normal chat feed. The AI display is a randomly generated character that usually has a funky look, such as green or purple skin, crazy hair, and wacky outfits. The main question on everyone’s mind: is this feature safe? Or should teens and parents be worried about this new intruder?

Students around Woodland have provided a lot of chatter on the matter. Many are worried that the AI possesses their location without their permission.

“I asked it where I live, and it said it didn’t know,” said freshman Caitlyn Braun. “But when I asked it for good food near me it gave me locations that were closeby.”

Responses like this are what worry the community that this character knows too much of their disclosed information.

But, there are some hidden benefits. Teens are becoming more mindful of what artificial intelligence can do.

Many teenagers don’t see social media as a dangerous space, but this feature has definitely been opening students’ eyes as to what the little piece of metal, plastic, and glass inside their pockets can do.

The artificial intelligence looks friendly and harmless, but the feature has a lot of abilities. The AI can write essays, answer a multitude of mathematical questions, provide locations of attractions, and much more.

“My grandma’s car broke down and I asked it how to jumpstart it and it told me,” said sophomore Anna Duffany.

These abilities are not only unsettling to students, but to teachers as well. The issue of plagiarism for artificial intelligence is nothing new; the SnapChat feature is just making it more accessible. With a touch of a button students can translate their Spanish homework, solve their math problems, and write short responses.

“I think it’s frightening and upsetting,” said English Teacher Alissa Becker. “But, I think it’s time for students to be aware of the power of social media.”

Although this seems appealing to many, it’s creepy presence is outweighing it’s abilities. Students are trying to get rid of the feature, but no matter how many buttons you press or how many times you delete and redownload the app, the feature stays put. There are a lucky select few that are able to clear it from their chat feed. The only other way to get rid of it is by buying a SnapChat premium membership, for either $3.99 a month, or $29.99 a year. Others have taken drastic measures by filing complaints and personally contacting Snapchat to eradicate it.

“I did a feedback response and I reported that I didn’t feel safe with the AI on my phone, it’s okay if it was a choice to have it but it just popped up. I didn’t want it on my phone,” said sophomore Sydni Haddad.

The measures students will go to to rid the character from their phones just goes to show that this feature is not being welcomed into day to day lives. Students are still on their toes to see what this AI will throw at them next, and if it is a friend, or a foe.

Julia Dommel

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