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Internship Spotlight: Peyton Fillipone

Working in an internship for high school students is a daunting but rewarding task. The internships available range over many different career paths, students mostly choose an internship in direct relation to the career they hope to pursue.

Peyton Filippone, intern for Advanced Physical Therapy, reveals the valuable experiences she has gotten through her internship.

“I initially sparked [my interest in physical therapy because] my uncle is a physical therapist,” said Filippone. “I always grew up around him. He’s my neighbor and I enjoyed watching him to see what it was like.”

Filippone grew her interest in physical therapy because she is an athlete and whenever she sees someone hurt, she feels the need to help them.

“I went to Advanced Physical Therapy in Prospect where our athletic trainer goes for two years,” said Filippone.

Filippone initiates patient care by checking patients into the practice and setting them up for their appointment. She is constantly supervised by her mentor to ensure no mistakes are made.

“Time management really helps throughout my internship because you can only see a person for a certain amount of time,” said Filippone.

Hernest Koroli

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