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Artist Spotlight: Wyatt Finley

Wyatt Finley culminated his passion for music when he single-handedly built his guitar. His creativity motivated him to not only build a career in music but also build something just for himself. Although Finley started with automotive and then moved to playing guitar, he believes that playing the guitar might lead him to success in the future.

Finley started playing guitar in eighth grade because he needed a new hobby. This hobby started from thinking that he would be ready for that year’s talent show. Finley tried to compete and win this talent show and did not succeed, but that didn’t stop him from playing, if anything it made him play more. Quarantine was a great way for him to find time to practice.

His motivation to keep playing kept increasing until he realized that he wanted more. He wanted to do something more creative than just playing. This sparked the idea of building his own guitar. Finley purchased a guitar kit from Amazon that included a base with the body and neck already connected. Everything else was in pieces that had to be put together, so he painted the guitar, and then assembled it. Although Finley believes that he is not the most creative or artistic, he is happy with the way it came out and he looks forward to playing music with it.

“In a way, being able to make music that everyone else can listen to and enjoy is definitely something I would like to do in life,” said Finley.

Finley believes that no matter what mood you are in, playing can make you feel better. He feels powerful and purposeful because he can make other people mend their feelings. This is just one of Finley’s favorite things about music. That feeling of achievement is another one of his special moments in music.

“Like when you nail that take when you do something that kind of scares you. I guess you could say it’s like, whoa, I just did that,” Finley said. “It’s awesome.”

Finley has role models including Zac Brown, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Metallica, and most importantly, his mom.

“I tried to take a bit of everything from everyone I look up to. So like my mother, she has a very big heart for helping people” Finley stated. “If someone needs someone to vent or if they’re having a bad day, like hey if you need me text me I’m here.”

Overall, Finley enjoys his time playing and listening to his music, and he is hoping to attend Berklee College of Music. He also wants to continue with some automotive because of his pure enjoyment. His main passion is to pursue his music career and do what he loves and can understand.

“Music is a language that we all understand,” Finley said. “No matter if you’re speaking English, Spanish, German, or Russian. We all understand music in our own way.”

Avery DiGiovanna

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