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Woodland’s Band to sell Thanksgiving Pies


As Thanksgiving rolls around, the endless preparations for the feast start. And nowadays, it is nearly impossible to prepare an entire meal which sometimes doesn’t even satisfy the entire Thanksgiving crew. With the seven course meal, there isn’t any time to make that last bit of desert that everyone always looks forward to even if they are a little more than full.

However, this year, Woodland’s Band is looking to help out with the process.
      The Woodland Regional High School Band will be selling Thanksgiving pies this holiday season. 
        The pies, which will be made by the Bake Shop students at Woodland, will
be sold from November 5, 2012 until November 13, 2012. Each pie, whether it be pumpkin or apple pie with crumb topping, will be sold for ten dollars. The proceeds will benefit the band’s trip to Florida where they will be participate in a music festival.  
       With a little less time spent slaving over the hot oven on the Thanksgiving holiday, more time can be spent with family or friends…. Or just simply at Woodland watching the Copper champs win yet another game.

For more information see Rex Sturdevant. Order forms will be available through him and the main office. Pick up a form before the holiday begins!