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New STEM Courses

Woodland students have been awaiting some new classes to attend for their schedules. With the new and temporary changes to the construction class model involved within the renovations of the culinary department, Woodland has been expecting some new and improved classes to stimulate and encourage students to enter the STEM field for their later careers.

These newly awaited courses include: Aviation in Flight Sciences, Drone Technology and Engineering, Drone Operator Prep, and Advanced Construction.

Robert Murdy, the manufacturing and construction advisor at Woodland, is very interested in the importance of the latest programs and what they can bring to the table.

“We have new editions to robotics and aviation that introduce creativity to students being involved with new classes and STEM credits,” said Murdy. “In the past two years, we have always attempted to revamp our STEM classes to better improve the program.”

Drone operations and aviation in flight open students’ interests to not just an average high school course. Some characteristics of these new classes include the ability to work within simulated environments of flying a plane. Drone operations involve robotics as well as the difficult skills of multitasking. Students get to build their own drones then later fly them. The new pathways open up opportunities to take other drone operating classes. These classes can also be applied to students’ credits when experimenting in the new fields of work.

“The programs offer exciting, innovative and cutting edge classes with new stem fields in CT, it encourages students to find STEM careers in or after high school,” Murdy voiced.

Currently and throughout Woodland’s history, construction and manufacturing has been open to students for a while. Manufacturing explores the skills of welding and repairing engines, mostly involving metal engineering. Construction takes on the tasks of woodworking such as building benches, planter boxes, birdhouses and feeders, and adirondack chairs. Advanced Construction is a new edition to this realm, specializing in other popular trades that may be found at Emmett O’ Brien.

“Advanced construction introduces new trades that are involved with HV AC, plumbing, carpentry, and electrical beyond basic woodworking,” said Murdy.

One trend has been to go into the field of trade after graduating high school to encourage employment in STEM careers. With the experience in technically advanced classes within highschool, the new graduates may have the opportunity and qualifications to go straight into their trade of choice without further schooling required.

Following this school year, students will be able to discover new expertise at their fingertips. These new editions hope to bring interest, curiosity and abilities to the test.

Maddy Harte

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