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Running From the Track to the Court

Traditionally a soccer player who does track in her off season, Emma Henriques has entirely shifted her athletic passions. As a freshman, Henriques joined the Woodland Track and Field team after feeling the initial excitement of wanting to try a new sport. However, Henriques quickly realized that her love for soccer came from the collaboration with her teammates, more than running up and down the field. After contemplating this decision for the majority of her sophomore year, when spring sports sign-ups came around, Henriques checked the box for tennis.

“Last year I found that track was a lot of stress for me and I wanted to try something new,” said Henriques.

Since greeting this new sport with so much excitement, Henriques has been eager to learn about every aspect of the game. She appreciates that each step of this different process has been such a wonderful experience, contrasting the uneasiness she felt last year.

“I feel like doing track and soccer at the same time was really hard on my body. Playing tennis has been a completely different experience, so there is nothing to worry about,” said Henriques.

Being in a good mental, and physical state has allowed Henriques to fully enjoy both sports she is currently playing. This also includes the social aspects of the teams, as Henriques has quickly found her place on the Woodland team.

“I met a lot of fun people and I was able to make new friends, all while picking up a new skill that I can use later in my life,” said Henriques.

It is absolutely true that people who pick up tennis at any age tend to continue playing throughout their life. Starting at such an early age, Henriques will be a pro in no time. To ensure this fate, Henriques plans to come back next year as well.

“I absolutely see myself continuing to play tennis after this season because it is so fun,” said Henriques.

After just one season, Henriques was able to conclude that tennis is very fun, everyone is really nice, and there is no stress.

“I am very happy with my decision.”

Ava Muharem

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