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Club Beat: Science National Honor Society

A new school year means that all of the honor societies at Woodland are gearing up to induct new members, start fundraising, and plan spirit ideas that will get the whole school involved in giving back to the community. Specifically, the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) is already moving at a quick pace to prepare for the upcoming months.

Abby Bunk, the president of SNHS, emphasizes that one of the society’s biggest successes this year was their boost in members.

“For these past couple months, we’ve only had about ten members. However, after the induction we now have around fifty,” said Bunk. “This is great for service projects because we will be able to make a larger impact on our community.”

With the help of the new advisor, Mr. [Christopher] Sutton, Bunk and the rest of the SNHS board have already brainstormed many ideas to discuss during upcoming group meetings.

“Mr. Sutton had this great idea to donate science textbooks that aren’t being used to countries in need,” said Bunk. “I think that will be a great community service project for us.”

Woodland is fortunate to have many resources that aid in student’s understanding of science. It would be extremely impactful for SNHS to broaden their services on a global scale. However, there is still a lot of emphasis on giving back to the environment in which our students are learning.

“We are excited to bring back our recycling program and go on field trips to beach clean ups and horseshoe crab tagging,” said Bunk.

In order to become a member of the SNHS, students must have a passion for science courses and performing well academically. Thankfully, there are no shortages of eager students at Woodland who are ready to be part of a society that is truly special.

Ava Muharem

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