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Internship Spotlight: Liana Demirs

An internship senior year may be a drag for some students, but Liana Demirs was ready to tackle hers at Plainville Chiropractic. Demirs childhood dream of becoming a neurosurgeon quickly faded when she discovered what anatomy really was while at Woodland. Plainville Chiropractic is run by Doctor Tim and his receptionist Julen.

“They are super friendly. I love working with them.” said Demirs.

The office just opened two years ago and has been going strong since.

Starting her internship, Demirs did plan to become a chiropractor. She states that the schedule was hard to work with at first. Depending on the day, the office is open only in the morning or at night. Doctor Tim and his receptionist have a break in between the morning and night shift appointments that is used for insurance calls and lunch.

Demirs has learned a lot from this internship. She learned how to take an X-Ray and make phone calls. Being able to see what is beneath the skin was a thrilling experience to her.

“Even learning how to make calls, greet customers, and learning patient to doctor communication was all so beneficial to me.”

“I would strongly recommend this internship with Doctor Tim to anyone who finds the human body fascinating and loves anatomy,” said Demirs.

Although this experience was one of a kind for Demirs, approaching the ending of her time in the office, Demirs says she does not have future plans of becoming a chiropractor.

“I was so into the human body and the way that it moves and is structured. This made the internship easy to get into because it was so interesting to me.”

Demirs plans to take the skills that came out of this internship next year when studying naturopathic medicine for more of a doctor to patient relationship. She has just committed to the University of Tampa and plans to pursue her dreams there. Demirs is exhilarated to reach for the best in her upcoming college years after high school in hopes of starting her own practice one day.

Mariah Hawley

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