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Ready, Set, Race!

Cardboard and duct tape may seem like regular household items, but when mixed physics, anything is possible. Senior advisories are tasked with making a cardboard boat that will make it across the swimming pool without sinking.

Each advisory has a partner advisory with whom they are paired. Each advisory has to make their own boat; the boat must be able to hold two student’s from that advisory. The students will receive two oars to paddle across the pool, starting in the shallow end and ending in the deep end.

“One team starts at [the shallow] end and they finish at the [the deep] end,” physics teacher Mark Mierzejewski said. “When they finish there is a tennis ball and they put it in the air, and that is the signal that the next team can then start.”

While the task of rowing from one end of the pool to the other may seem simple, it is actually quite taxing and requires a lot of hard work and preparation since the main material to be used is cardboard. Over the last few weeks, advisories have been troubleshooting with the different techniques to make a boat float.

The boat race will be happening on May 19th in the pool, be sure to watch the advisories compete in the pool.

Colby Sizer

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