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Becoming Better Dancers, One Clinic at a Time

Dancing is a big part of the community at Woodland, whether it be during their own competitions or at the halftimes of the football and basketball games, there is no doubt that our dance team is one of the best. 

Potential dancers had the chance to experience what it is like to practice with them, as the dance team hosted their second annual clinic on Sunday, March 19th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for students from 5th grade and up. It was $30 to participate and there was a free dance team T-shirt included.  It consisted of learning new short routines, tricks, and little competitions led by Grace Tottenham, a captain on the team. 

“We usually start with icebreakers and announce who everyone is… so they’re comfortable,” Said Tottenham.

  Before even starting to learn the routines, they do a group stretch, play games, do relay races, and practice to have some friendly competition. The kids split up into small groups, each with a member of the dance team for help. The clinic gives kids the opportunity to meet new people and create bonds with their soon to be teammates. The goal of the clinic is to show younger students what the dance team is really about and help determine what it is like and if they want to join. 

Makayla Constanti, junior on the dance team, reminisces on last year’s clinic and how she thinks her experience will differ this year.

“It’s different from last year because it is a bigger group of students. Last year, we only accepted middle schoolers, but now it is open to fifth grade and up,” Constanti said

After the warm ups, the girls all practice the routines together. The captains, Tottenham and Kaylin Giuliani, taught a jazz routine, and Coach Jen Cataldi taught a hip hop combo and skills. Each routine is about 30-45 seconds, not too long because there are younger girls so it can not be too advanced, but it will still be challenging. 

“I know some people who are going who aren’t even planning on trying out for the team, it’s just a fun activity open for everyone,” Tottenham adds.

The dance clinic is meant to be a fun experience for anyone to join, and bring our community closer together, so make sure to sign up for next year’s clinic.

Melissa Martins

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