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Woodland Celebrates Pi Day

When you think of pie, usually first thing that comes to mind is a dessert. But, this Saturday, March 14th, is Pi Day. Pi Day is a day in March when the date reads, 3.14, much like the mathematical decimal 3.14. But, this year is even more special because the first five numbers of the decimal are 3.1415, just like the date of Pi Day this year 3.14.15!
This year, Pi Day was celebrated in Woodland a day early. The math department sponsored activties during all three lunch waves on Friday March 13th.  Students took part in Hula Hoop dancing, pie eating contests, and free-hand circle drawing contests. Of course, Pi is used to find out the measurements of a circle, so all of the activities have something to do with a circle. Woodland’s math department was glad to see students participating  in the activities that they  prepared, while having fun celebrating math.