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Captain Feature – Jenna Chicano

Being captain of a high school sport is usually only be awarded once in a person’s life, but for senior Jenna Chicano, it has come for her again. From basketball to track, Chicano is leading her teammates for the better. 

“Being awarded captain is a big honor. It gives me the chance to step up for the team after being an important part for the past four years,” says Chicano. 

Before finding her love for throwing, Chicano loved doing trick shots and making videos across various social media platforms. Especially being a basketball player, this helped a lot since most of her shots were into a basketball hoop.

“I first figured out that I wanted to do javelin, and after that, all of the other events came pretty easily to me,” Chicano stated. “I started out good in my freshman year and have improved greatly over the four years.”

In the field, events include shot put, discus and javelin. Chicano’s favorite event out of the three is discus.

“I have the most potential in this event because I keep improving every year,” says Chicano. “It is definitely more fun than the other events.”

Every athlete has their favorite season that they have participated in, whether it is their first or last. For Jenna it is her junior year. 

“I really enjoyed the closeness that the entire team had which made it all better. The leadership that was shown really had the seniors now live up to the expectations,” states Chicano. 

“We would like to keep that standard of what Woodland track should be for the future and so future athletes can set that bar even higher.”

Memories with the team can make the sport even more fun and worthwhile. 

“My favorite memory of track is senior night last year because it was a great day to be throwing. Afterwards we went out to eat and just had so much fun,” said Chicano. 

There are so many spring sports for people to choose from but the most recommended in track and field, especially from Chicano. 

“It is a great pastime and gives you something to do,” states Chicano. “Especially if you excel at it and you can pursue or add on to your sports career.”

Advice is always helpful, especially when you try something new. If you are a new athlete to any sport or to track, take this piece of advice: 

“Always give 110% every single day at practice and when doing that, all of your hard work comes together fast,” stated Chicano. “Coaches look out for that.”

Clara Sweetland

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