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Ethan Michaud Helping in the Math Lab

Although his time at Woodland ended almost a year ago, Ethan Michaud, Class of 2022, continues to make his mark on the Woodland community by helping in the Math Lab.

The Math Lab is a resource available to all students where they can receive help on math work. During Michaud’s winter break, he reflected on his time at Woodland and recalled that the Math Lab was underutilized, mainly due to teachers’ schedules not lining up with students’ schedules. Since Michaud took a variety of math classes during his high school career (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-calculus, and Calculus) and is currently an engineering major at Western New England University, he felt confident that he would be able to help current students have a better understanding of their classes, especially before midterm exams. 

“I feel good helping other students because I know what it’s like to be in their shoes,” said Michaud. “I believe the math center is a great resource to have and I’m happy to be in here helping as much as I can.”

Michaud will be available during all four blocks each day until Friday, January 20 and will be back in the spring to help students prepare for final exams. 

Mia Sansone

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