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Managed Entry Agreements Ukraine

Managed Entry Agreements in Ukraine: A Comprehensive Guide

Managed Entry Agreements (MEAs) have become an increasingly popular tool for pharmaceutical companies to gain access to markets around the world. In Ukraine, MEAs play a critical role in ensuring that patients have access to the latest, cutting-edge treatments. In this article, we`ll explore what MEAs are and how they work in Ukraine.

What are Managed Entry Agreements?

MEAs are agreements between pharmaceutical companies and payers (such as insurance companies or government healthcare systems) that allow for the reimbursement of a new drug or treatment at a negotiated price. These agreements are designed to balance the interests of both the pharmaceutical company and the payer, ensuring that patients have access to new, effective treatments while keeping healthcare costs manageable.

MEAs can take many different forms, including risk-sharing agreements, pay-for-performance agreements, and price-volume agreements. In each case, the goal is to ensure that the payer only pays for the treatment if it is effective, and that the price is reasonable given the benefits of the treatment.

How do Managed Entry Agreements work in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, the National Health Service (NHS) is responsible for managing the healthcare system. The NHS negotiates MEAs with pharmaceutical companies to determine which drugs and treatments will be covered by the public healthcare system.

MEAs in Ukraine typically take the form of risk-sharing agreements. Under these agreements, the pharmaceutical company agrees to reduce the price of the treatment in exchange for the payer assuming some of the risk associated with the treatment. This might include only paying for the treatment if it is effective, or only paying for the treatment up to a certain amount.

One example of a successful MEA in Ukraine is the agreement between the NHS and the pharmaceutical company Biogen for the drug Spinraza, which is used to treat spinal muscular atrophy. Under the agreement, Biogen agreed to provide the first dose of the treatment for free, and the NHS agreed to pay for subsequent doses only if the treatment was effective.

Why are Managed Entry Agreements important in Ukraine?

MEAs are critical to ensuring that patients in Ukraine have access to the latest, cutting-edge treatments. Without MEAs, it would be difficult for pharmaceutical companies to bring new drugs to the market, as the cost of developing and testing new treatments is often very high.

By negotiating MEAs, the NHS is able to ensure that it is only paying for treatments that are effective, and that the price of those treatments is reasonable given their benefits. This helps to keep healthcare costs under control while still providing patients with access to the latest treatments.

In conclusion, Managed Entry Agreements play a critical role in ensuring that patients in Ukraine have access to new, effective treatments while keeping healthcare costs manageable. By negotiating MEAs, the NHS is able to balance the interests of both pharmaceutical companies and payers, and ensure that patients receive the best possible care.