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Besluit Mutual Agreement Procedure

Besluit Mutual Agreement Procedure: What You Need to Know

The Besluit Mutual Agreement Procedure (BMAP) is a tax regulation in the Netherlands that provides an avenue for taxpayers to resolve tax disputes with foreign tax authorities. It allows for mutual discussions between the tax authorities of two countries to reach an agreement on tax matters that may affect a taxpayer’s liability.

For businesses and individuals operating in the Netherlands, the BMAP is a crucial tool for resolving tax disputes that can arise from cross-border transactions. The BMAP is part of the mutual agreement procedure (MAP), which is an international tax dispute resolution mechanism provided by tax treaties.

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How BMAP Works

The BMAP involves the following steps:

1. The taxpayer must file an application for mutual agreement procedure with the Dutch tax authorities.

2. The Dutch tax authorities will forward the application to the foreign tax authorities involved.

3. The tax authorities of both countries will begin the mutual agreement procedure according to the relevant tax treaty.

4. The tax authorities will work to resolve the tax dispute by reaching a mutual agreement on the interpretation and application of the tax treaty.

5. Once an agreement is reached, the tax authorities will notify the taxpayer of the outcome.

6. If the taxpayer agrees with the outcome, they will adjust their tax returns accordingly. If not, they can request an independent arbitration process.

Benefits of BMAP

The BMAP offers several benefits for taxpayers, including:

1. Resolving tax disputes quickly and efficiently.

2. Reducing the risk of double taxation.

3. Providing an avenue for resolving cross-border tax disputes that may otherwise be difficult to resolve.

4. Promoting better communication and cooperation between tax authorities of different countries.


In conclusion, the Besluit Mutual Agreement Procedure (BMAP) is an essential tax regulation in the Netherlands that helps taxpayers resolve cross-border tax disputes with foreign tax authorities. It offers a quick, efficient, and mutually beneficial way to resolve tax disputes that could otherwise lead to double taxation. If you are a business or individual operating in the Netherlands, it is essential to understand the BMAP and take advantage of it when needed.