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Contact Magazine: Drawing Inspiration from Isolation

Contact Magazine has had to adapt to changes throughout the pandemic. Virtual staff meetings and hybrid days caused difficulty in completing the magazine; however, the pandemic has inspired the staff to create this year’s issue, Inspiration from Isolation. 

Contact Magazine incorporated the work of Woodland’s creatives into one pandemic-inspired magazine. The magazine accepts all types of work, including photography, poetry, music, and essays and allows students to see their work published. This process shines light on what Woodland’s students are capable of creating.

“It feels so rewarding seeing your work in a book,” said Caroline Osborn, the head of the editing department in Contact. 

The magazine isn’t the only thing that the staff works on. They also host an after-school event, aptly named “Creativity Night,” where students can create work and decide to submit it to the magazine. The nights are advertised through the Contact Magazine Instagram page, @contactlitmag, where other updates about the magazine are also posted. During the pandemic, creativity nights had to be held virtually on a Google Meet; however, holding the meetings in-person allows the attending students to connect with nature, which inspires creativity.

“At those [creativity] meetings, we had a theme, and then answered various prompts about photos, writing, or poems,” said Emily Laput, the head of layout department. “It was a relaxed atmosphere and inspired creativity.”

For many, the club serves as an outlet, a place where they can express themselves, be focused on something other than what’s going on in the outside world, and submit work that they may not be able to publish elsewhere. Anyone is welcome to submit their work to the magazine, and skill level plays no part in whether work is accepted or not. 

“Contact is for anyone and everyone,” said Emily Laput. “A common misconception is that you have to be the next Walt Whitman or Frida Kahlo to be in Contact, but we have many novice creators whose pieces get in.” 

Contact Magazine involves work where the staff ensure that the magazine gets published on time. 

“Everyone contributes to putting the magazine together,” said Grace Sizer, the head of the marketing department at Contact. 

The club teaches students how to work both collaboratively and independently; valuable skills that can be used in future careers.

The magazine will be on sale this year for students, parents, and staff to buy. The magazine will be sold on their website.