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Pumpkin Decorating Contest

During the Halloween season, many of Woodland’s advisories worked on decorating pumpkins to take part in the Pumpkin Character Contest, an annual contest created by Jodie D’Alexander’s junior advisory to help out their class. The project was originally started as the advisory’s freshman exhibit service project but due to Covid they haven’t been able to carry out the project until this year. The advisory agreed that the contest was a good way for students to collaborate with their peers and express creativity.

This contest, however, was not created without rules. The most important rule of the contest was that the submissions had to be of a character, like a singer, artist, or even a cartoon character, to keep up with the theme of the contest. The theme helped students think of ways to go above and beyond with their ideas while keeping their submission on an even playing field with other submissions. Carving pumpkins was also prohibited for students during the contest.

Students coming into school on Friday, October 29th were excited to see the pumpkins lined up on tables outside of the main office. The submissions ranged from the animated Lightning McQueen to the famous singer Prince. The Guidance Department staff judged the pumpkins to pick a first, second, and third place based on each pumpkin’s creativity. Those winners were announced on Friday morning over the announcements.

In third place was Lisa Croce’s advisory with Jack Skellington, in second place was Sandra Cumberledge’s advisory with Bob Ross, and in first place was Marissa Iezzi’s advisory with Elton John. All winners received a ribbon and the advisory in first place received a doughnut party as well.

“I think it was a good outcome,” said Nathan Trumbely, a member of D’Alexander’s advisory.

The contest was a good way for students to collaborate with their advisory and helped Woodland get into the Halloween spirit for the upcoming holiday. D’Alexander is hopeful that the contest will run again next year at the end of October for more of Woodland’s students to enjoy.