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Student Government Election Winners: Q&A

Noelle Guerrera: Student Body President


What are your plans for next year, is there anything you’d change or keep the same?

Next year, I would like to keep many of our usual events to allow for tradition to develop here in Woodland. However, the quality of these events always leaves room for improvement so a main goal is to update and revamp the old typical events to be even better. In addition to staying consistent with typical events, there are some new events in the works right now that I cannot disclose because the Senate has not yet voted on them. But I am very excited for them to be passed and introduced to the student body.

What does student Government mean to you?

Student Government (or stugov as we like to say) means so much to me it is truly hard to put into words. The organization is such a great place because self-identified leaders have come together to take action and improve Woodland. Without the positive impact in my life from the members, the advisor, and all the inside government and democracy jokes that have been created; I do not think I would be the confident leader I strive to be every day.

How did you feel going into the election?

Well, to be completely honest, going into the election I felt confident because I was the only candidate for Student Body President. Despite contrary belief, you can lose if you are the only candidate running if you do not get one vote, and Mr. Tomlin never failed to let me forget that. But alas, I got the 1 vote (which may or may not have been my own) that I needed in order to win, and here I am ready to serve the Woodland Student Body next year.

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

I’d jump into Matthies Pond in March.

What’s in your backpack?


By: Matt Iannone

Chris Lauck: Student Government Vice- President 


What are your plans for next year? 

I think this next big service project coming up is really awesome, they’re having it in a few weeks. But I think instead of just one, I think two would be awesome, because again, I think it’s really good for Woodland to give back to the less fortunate.  Also, one of the things that didn’t go through this year was helping guide the freshman I kind of want to bring that back next year.  I think it is important for the freshman class officers to have good guidance since they’re new to this, they should be off to a good start.  I definitely want to keep president’s club I think it’s a really good club and it’s going strong.

What does student government mean to you?

Student government, as i said in the debate, is my favorite club here. I’ve been in it for almost three years now.  I dropped baseball over it and that was pretty hard to do. But I think it’s a great club. We do a lot; we run homecoming and spirit week.  I think it’s important that we are making that difference for the student body.

How did you feel going into the election?

I did this last year and it didn’t go in my favor last year so I thought maybe I should give it another shot this year.  So, I was a little nervous. I did the debate last year, so I felt okay during that.  But this year, I felt pretty confident.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would want to be extremely fast because it think that would be extremely awesome.

What’s in your backpack?


By: Veronica Moscariello

Krista DeTulio: Student Government Recording Secretary


What are your plans for next year, is there anything you’d change or keep the same?

I want to bring in more technology into my position because as of right now, recording secretary has to write everything by hand and I only use the computer to type up the journals and input the attendance. I would like to have digital copies of our agendas because we’ve wasted so much paper making agendas for everyone. Also, for taking notes at meetings, I’d really like to get a laptop to make things easier.

What does student Government mean to you?

I’ve been in it since freshman year. I ran for recording secretary sophomore year and I didn’t make it but I always wanted a higher position to be more involved. Student Government has made me feel more like a leader and its made me feel more confident to take control of things. We’ve done a lot of speaking and I used to be really shy but it’s helped me to public speak.

How did you feel going into the election?

I felt pretty good because I only needed one vote since I was unopposed. I enjoyed the job even though there’s a lot of work involved and I wanted to keep my leadership position.

What celebrity would play you in a movie?

Ariana grande. She’s short like me and I’m a huge fan of her. I used to even imitate her in 8th grade and someone even told me I sounded like her. I love her music and I feel like if I knew her we’d be bffs.

What’s in your backpack?


By: Katie Minutillo

Hannah Colt: Student Government Treasury Secretary


What are your plans for next year?

Next year, I plan to organize fundraisers for the student government and continue to keep everyone informed about the budget. I will also help find the best way to make money from an event.

What does Student Government mean to you?

To me, Student Government means working together with others who have similar goals as you and help the students at Woodland have enjoyable activities.

How did you feel going into the election?

Going into the election I felt pretty good about it because I was the only one running for my position and I felt I could successfully complete my job.

If you could be any animal which animal would you be?

If I could be an animal I would be a bird because then I could fly anywhere.

What’s in your backpack?

In my backpack I have pens and pencils, notebooks for all my classes and a folder for worksheets.

By: Alyssa Vanalstyne

Alyssa Varesio: Class of 2017 President 


What are your plans for next year?

Next year, we are going to continue with our very successful fundraiser, which is the Princess Breakfast, and right now we are in the middle of trying to plan multiple senior events including a possible senior trip. I don’t want to give away anything yet because we’re still trying to figure it out and I don’t want to promise anything that I can’t. I’m really excited to keep working with the team that I have been working for for the past three years, and I think that we’re going to do a really great job of giving a lot of good surprises to the senior class. There will be lots of rewards to people who work and spend time helping out the class, too.

What does student government  mean to you?

Class officers is what I’m a part of, and it’s kind of a smaller branch of student government, even though we’re still involved in student government as a whole. To me it means, first of all, being a leader in your community and within your class. So, the five class officers should be able to effectively lead and provide funds, and support the class with whatever decisions they want to do. So, it’s taking into consideration as many opinions of what people want as a class. We were going to have a junior picnic, but the class voted against it so we decided not to and we’re just putting a lot of money into senior year and all the fun stuff that we’re going to have. I think that that’s really what student government is all about; it’s not really about what the people in student government want, it’s about what the people who they’re representing want.

How did you feel going into the election?

Going into  the election, I was excited because I was hoping I’d get re-elected so that I could finish out all 4 years as the class president. One other person was running against me and she was a strong candidate, and the election came out really close so it was a good race. I think that it really could’ve come down to anyone because it was so close, but it was a good election.

What is favorite soda and why?

My favorite soda? I don’t drink soda.

You don’t?

No. *laughter*

Then I guess we can expand this question to beverage?

Beverage, definitely tea. I drink about three cups of tea everyday, and I can’t get through the day without it because I’m probably addicted to caffeine, but it’s alright because I just really love tea.

What your favorite kind of tea?

My favorite kind? There’s so many- I like green tea because it’s very simple, but at night time I like to drink chamomile to get ready for bed or calm down after doing a lot of homework.

Do you like to put like lemon or honey in it or something?

No, just plain.

What’s in your backpack?

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By: Carter Amore

Kyla Drewry: Class of 2018 President


What are your plans for next year?

Next year, we are going to try to do a really big fundraiser because for the most part we’ve been pretty conservative with our fundraisers. We think it’s time to take a big risk and do something huge. We are also going to try to plan a trip for the junior class.

What does student government mean to you?

It’s a really important part of my life at Woodland and I’m really proud to be able to represent our class and represent what they want.

How did you feel going into the election?

Nervous. I’m pretty sure it was the first time that somebody ever ran against me. I was just nervous that the other candidate was going to win and I was super anxious. But I’m glad I won and was able to be president for the second year in a row.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Definitely Potatoes. There’s so many different kinds so it wouldn’t get boring. There’s mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, twice baked potatoes, roasted potatoes, french fries, tater tots, hash browns, potato pancakes, potato chips, and so many more.  

What’s in your backpack?


By: Caitlyn Martin

Bayan Galal: Class of 2019 President 


What are your plans for next year?

Next year, I plan on having a series of fundraisers in order to benefit the class. We will start off the year with a traditional apparel sale. After that, I plan to have multiple class events and fundraisers, and hopefully at least one that we can hold annually.

Are you planning on making any changes?

One change I would definitely like to make for next year pertains to the planning of the events. This year, we kind of took everything one step at a time, but next year, I want to have a layout of fundraisers and events for the entire year laid out in September.

Is there anything that you want to keep the same?

For next year I’d like to keep the dynamics of the class officers the same. This year, we were really able to work as a whole and I think it’s important for the new group of class officers to connect in a way that allows them to efficiently work together and get things done.

What does Student Government mean to you?

Student government is more than just another club or organization. To me, it’s a way for students to be able to really have an impact on what goes on in the school. I enjoy taking on leadership roles and being able to lead and guide a group, and I think student government really provides me with that opportunity.

How did you feel going into the election?

I was definitely a little nervous going into the elections, but considering I was class president this year I was hoping people would recognize the fundraisers and events we’ve organized and realize that I am completely dedicated to this class.

How did it feel to win?

It was a great feeling to have won the election and I was very enthusiastic when I found out. I was really hoping for the opportunity to plan another year of fundraisers and events for the class, and was very pleased that it was given to me.

Are you looking forward to leading the class of 2019?

Yes, I am definitely looking forward to being able to lead the class of 2019. I know I have a great group of class officers to work with so I’m hoping we can really accomplish a lot next year. As a returning officer, I hope I can use my experience from this year to better myself as a leader for next year.

What’s in your backpack?


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Katie is the Executive Managing Editor and the moderator for Hawk Headlines' Roundtable as well as the anchor of Sixty Second News. She has spent five full semesters at Hawk Headlines.

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