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How to Beat Senioritis

It’s that time of year again. Senioritis is claiming its next set of victims, the class of 2015. With just 5 and a half measly months left in our high school careers its easy to be taken down by this villain. But the thing is, we still have 5 and a half months ahead of us. Unfortunately, a long line of midterms, AP exams, and finals block the road to graduation. But don’t worry, there’s a lot you can do to keep yourself from drowning in a sea of senioritis.

1. Go to school (and go on time)

Honestly, you’ve been going to school for the past 13 or so years of your life. Don’t stop now. It’s only going to make you an easier victim to senioritis. The more days you skip, the more days you go in late, the harder its going to be to make it through a full day. So just do it. (You can sleep once you get there.) ((Kidding, that is not a good idea.))

2. Don’t wear sweats every day

Sweatpants are so nice and warm and cozy, yes. But they also make you feel ready for a nap. And school is ten times more miserable when you’re exhausted. Put on a pair of jeans every once and a while. They’ll help you not feel so lazy during the day.

3. Do your homework

Just do it. It really won’t kill you. And come finals time you’ll be glad you did. Homework is a grade saver, and you want to avoid as many finals as possible this year. And don’t want until midnight to start it either. Get it done as soon as you can, then you’ll have the rest of your evenings to nap and Netflix.

4. Stay involved

Believe it or not, we might actually miss the things that made high school fun. So keep going to your club meetings. Keep going the plays, the concerts, the basketball games, the swim meets. If you go to things at the school that are fun you’ll trick yourself into thinking that all of school is fun. (This is one is a long shot, I realize.)

5. Eat Veggies

Fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods give you more energy than processed snacks. And right now you need all the energy you can get. Eat better, feel better, don’t get senioritis. It works.

6. Don’t think about it

Keep a positive mindset and just do what you’ve been doing for the past three and a half years. Don’t think about that fact that its January of your senior year or the fact that you’re graduating or that you’re going to college or the fact that you won’t have to use math in real life. Just keep going, you’ve made it this far and you can make it until the end. Well, only if you pass all your classes. (And to do that you actually have to go to them….)

So don’t be a victim. And remember, together we can fight senioritis.