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NEWS FLASH:: WRSC Moves Homecoming Dance

From the desk of Woodland Regional Student Council:

For IMMEDIATE Publication

The Homecoming Dance is an important social activity in the lives of the student body, the dance has always been held on the Friday before Thanksgiving, however, this year another event has been scheduled for the same night. So rather than have students be forced to decide between attending the Homecoming dance or attend the football game Student Council has decided to move the dance to a new date. Woodland’s 2014 Homecoming will be on Tuesday, November 25th. This has not been an easy decision, there is a football game the Friday before that week and the Friday after is during Thanksgiving vacation. Additionally, we would be unable to hold the dance on a Saturday. So Tuesday, November 25th, is the best option. We understand this will be difficult because it is in the middle of Spirit Week, however the next day is pep-rally and a single session day. So everyone get excited about Homecoming 2k14!