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Importance of Drivers Education?

Parents have been driving for years and have a lot of experience, but teaching a teenager how to drive is no small task and teenagers think they know everything.

A parent might be able to save money by teaching their child how to drive, but doing this might not save their parent-child relationship.

The relationship between a parent and child is challenging. For one thing, many teenagers do not take their parents seriously making it hard for teenagers to actually learn.  Another factor is that often teenagers become confused because parents drive over the speed limit or take illegal turns, but yell at the child if they do one of these things.  The last important factor is that many laws have changed to become stricter since parents got their license. Many times parents do not know the law changes unless the laws are heard about on the news.

To save the parent-child relationship parents often choose to have kids take Drivers Education (Ed.). Many teenagers, however, do not feel the need to take Drivers Ed. or do not take it seriously.

It is assumed that Drivers Ed. only teaches students the basics of driving. That may not be the case, however. Drivers Ed. teaches students how to react in emergency situations.  While it is hoped that students never need to use the actions , it is always good to know how to react and stay safe.

The students learn the basics of how to safely pull off to the side of the road when you notice something is wrong with the car. Students also learn how to stay calm when being tailgated and a how to deal with a variety of other problems that could occur when on the road.

No amount of classroom time can compare to the learning that goes on when the students are behind the wheel. When placed in the drivers seat with the driving instructor the only thing the driving instructor knows is how the teenager is driving at that moment in time. There is no arguing or bias toward the child as they are only faced with straight forward facts.

Some people feel that the mandatory eight-hour safe driving course is enough to teach teenagers about the dangers of driving.  In reality, the eight-hour safe driving course that teaches parents and teens about new laws, that can often be forgotten by parents and teenagers. The eight-hour safety driving course was created to teach teenagers and parents about the dangers of drinking and driving and texting and driving.  The course does not go into learning about managing the car when in an emergency situation.

Many teenagers believe that once they turn sixteen they automatically have a right to drive however, this is not true.

“Teenagers need to realize that driving is a privilege not a right,” stated, All Star driver Manager, Brandon Dunfour.