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baked oatmeal

Baked Oatmeal: Spray a glass casserole dish with cooking spray. In a bowl, combine oats and water (or almond milk, which is what I use) according to package instructions. Then add a pinch of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice (as much as you like), 1-2 tsp vanilla extract, a drizzle of honey or maple syrup (if you want), and pour into baking dish. Top with fruit of choice (I use blueberries and sliced pears). Bake at 350 for 35-45 minutes until firm. I like to top mine with plain Greek yogurt and some sugar-free applesauce

Maria Teixeira

Maria is a Staff Reporter who has spent two full semesters at Hawk Headlines. She enjoys binge-watching Netflix and getting lots of sleep.

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