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Why We Love Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was a big deal in Kindergarten. We traced our hands to make paper turkeys, wore pilgrim hats for skits about the first Thanksgiving, and looked forward to our favorite parts of the holiday. Although teachers don’t really prioritize paper turkeys over math anymore, and the auditorium doesn’t see any skits about the first Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving still holds a special place in a high school student’s heart.

When questioned about Thanksgiving, most students list traditions that pertain to the three F’s: family, food and football. Family and food usually coincide, as gathering with family to eat a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is expected. In fact, when questioned about what they are most anticipating about Thanksgiving, many students talk about family that is traveling to come visit. Thanksgiving is a time for family to come together, so it is no surprise that many are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their favorite relatives.

Of course, with family members also comes the food they make. Eliza Smith, talks about one signature dish, “My mom makes homemade applesauce and it’s really good.” Other students favorite dishes include mashed potatoes, stuffing, and, of course, turkey. The dinner seems even better because it’s a treat everyone only indulges in once a year.

As for football, students are excited about both participating and watching the sport. There are families that organize annual football games before dinner, as well as that annually collapse on the couch in front of a televised football game, post-turkey. The specifics of the traditions you and your family participate in aren’t what is relevant, as long as you’re enjoying Thanksgiving, that’s all that matters.

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Tina is the Executive Social Media Director, and in charge of managing Hawk Headlines. She has spent three full semesters here, and is heavily involved with theater. Tina describes herself as a "pop culture aficionado".

Tina Vlamis

Tina is the Executive Social Media Director, and in charge of managing Hawk Headlines. She has spent three full semesters here, and is heavily involved with theater. Tina describes herself as a "pop culture aficionado".

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