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A New Year for POH

poh photo

A new year brings new chances, new opportunities, and new challenges.

But, Woodland’s Preserving Our History (POH) is ready to accept this challenge.

POH is a non-profit organization that goal is to, “be an invaluable resource and repository of information, curriculum and strength for historical organizations, families, individuals, educational systems and communities by opening lines of communication and providing a catalyst for unity, change and growth.”

Woodland, like many other schools in CT participates in this program. As a school Woodland selects a veteran and then after interviewing them creates a five minute documentary.

The videos are then shown at the Connecticut Film Festival in the spring and a winner is selected.

Last year Woodland interviewed previous graduate of Woodland, Christopher Shea. Not only did Woodland win best documentary short but they also won Critique’s choice award.

Now in the new year POH advisor, Megan Hatch, is hopeful for a very successful year. “I think that Woodland always stands a good chance of winning because we have a really talented, insightful and dedicated group of students, the support of faculty and staff, phenomenal audio visual equipment and resources, and a fascinating and phenomenal veteran,” said Hatch.

In the new year POH selected Fr. John Williams a priest from Cheshire as their veteran. Fr. Williams served in the Navy during the Vietnam War and after became a police officer before even considering the life of priesthood. “It’s a remarkable journey, and we can’t wait to shape our storyline,” said Hatch.

While every year can bring new challenges, Woodland’s POH is confident that they can handle it.

Last year was Hatch’s first year as the advisor for this program and she feels assured that this year will be even better. “I feel more confident about my role as advisor this year, thanks to the experience I gained last year and Ms. Olivere’s guidance,” said Hatch.  “So my hopes this year are to learn from last year’s project. We were really crunched for time at the end, and I hadn’t been sure how to delegate responsibility early on, but this year we are in very good shape.”

Member Emma Conway agrees with Hatch saying, “I think POH is shaping up terrifically this year. We are all a lot more confident in what we are doing, as well as a lot more conscientious of our goals to produce a well done final product.”

The goal of the product for the Woodland crew always seems to be focused on the product—not winning.

As Hatch said, “Our goal is to make the best, most honest film possible while paying tribute to Father John and our other servicemen and women.”

Conway stresses the same thing saying, “We hope people who see it will walk away with a new insight about how service can influence someone in the future.”

So only time can tell how this groups year will shape out, but as Hatch points out, “Winning would only be gravy.”