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By: Katie Blair

Fat Tuesday, February 12th of this year, occurs the day before lent officially begins. This year with Lent starting so early and the snow storm being everyone’s top priority, many people did even take time to think about what to give up this season.

Lent is a forty day holiday that is celebrated by many Christians. For lent, a person will give up something they do often in order to remember the suffering of the Israelites’. Many people, with the money they saved, donate back to the church. Lent begins on the Ash Wednesday, which is February 13th this year. On Wednesday people gather in the church and this day is deemed the official start of Lent.

Some of the most common things to give up during this time include junk food or meat. A lot of teens today, even try to give up swearing.

“In the beginning I feel confident with what I gave up, but as the days continue the craving to eat sweets increases” said senior Joseph Masulli.

Many people are able to relate to Masulli ,as the that is a common feeling among people, as the days drag on and on.

Throughout the forty day several significant holidays take place, which include Palm Sunday and passover. Palm Sunday takes place the Sunday before Easter. On Palm Sunday many people celebrate with the distribution of palm leaves to celebrate the entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem. The other holiday, Passover,  is significant because it was when the angel of death passed over the Israelite  houses and killed the first born of the Egyptians.

Easter, the day of Jesus being resurrected, is the final holiday that occurs during Lent and celebrates the end of the 40 days. To the Christians this season is one of the most important times of the year. For those who do practice lent it is important that you come up with something to give up soon and stick to this decision.



One thought on “Lent

  1. Joseph Masulli February 20, 2013 at 9:40 am

    Thanks for the quote, Katie!

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