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Week Off

The first week of November came as more of a surprise this year. Usually snow does not fall until the middle of December, but this year the snow arrived early. An average of eight inches of snow covered the ground across Connecticut. 
Another abnormality of this November snow storm was that Region 16 lost power for a week. Almost all of the homes in Prospect, and Beacon Falls, Bethany, Seymour, and Naugatuck were without power for an extended period of time. Generators and wood stoves were the only means of heat for the people lucky enough to have them.  
Since there was no power in the district, there was also no school, for the whole week. The school only had five snow days this year, and they were all used for the power outage. Now the Board of Education may have to take away April vacation so the students do not need to be making up the missed days in the middle of the summer.  
Last year, there were a lot of snow days and as a result it contributed to the Board of Education taking away February vacation away for this year. Now the Weathermen are predicting that this year is going to be worse than the last and we have already used our extra days. 
Buildings such as the TownHall of Beacon Falls, the Senior Center and Woodland Regional High School were provided with a generator for
the days without power.
However not all schools had generators and even Woodland’s generator could not power the whole building. Due to the extended power outage many students across the state had an unexpected November vacation