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What Are Our Kids Up To?

As teenagers grow up there are certain assets that help the teen grow in positive way in their community.

These assets were discussed on Tuesday May 10th at region 16’s presentation on survey data.

Last year the eighth graders and sophomores were given a survey on the different developmental assets and how prominent they are in their own life.

The survey was conducted through the Search Institute Survey program that conducts surveys just like this one all over the U.S.

The survey focuses in on 40 different assets. The assets are broken into two groups: external and internal.

Some examples of external assets are family support, safety, and positive peer influence. Some internal assets are bonding to school, restraint, and self-esteem.

The survey contained varying questions following under each asset.

Over the next year the data was reviewed and condensed into a survey to present to the public.

The approach in presenting the data was to present it through the students seeing as it was about the students.

So on Friday May 6th fifteen eighth graders and fifteen high schoolers were invited for a day long retreat in Woodland’s auditorium from eight until two.

In the retreat the students were presented with information and worked in groups to put together presentable data for the members of the community.

At the end of the day nine students volunteered to be on a panel of students the night of the presentation.

On the night of the presentation all students sat on a panel and each introduced an asset talking about their personal experience with the asset.

Overall the night went on without a hitch and the students enjoyed sharing their views of the statistics with the community.

Photo Credit: http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/images/presentation-boy.gif